Thursday, 16 August 2007

Worth every penny?

In about ten hours I could be the new owner of a smart A1200. It's currently listed on eBay and come 9.25pm, a bidding war will ensue - I'm sure of it. I have a clear budget of how much I want to spend in total including postage. However, eBay has a knack for making me forget this and I know I'll convince myself into spending a little more than I had planned to. Of course the situation will become much worse if I'm bidding head-to-head against a die hard Amiga fan. Y'know the type, he'll probably have the Amiga Boing Ball tattooed on his body somewhere. And the fact this person is bidding on a machine which is ten years old must make him a fan!

And now to answer my question. No matter how much I eventually end up spending on making this A1200 mine, yes, it is worth every penny.

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