Saturday, 18 August 2007

Good things come to those who bid

The A1200 is all mine! Winning the auction was much simpler than I had previously anticipated. I guess the other bidder wasn't as hardcore as me. I can't wait till it arrives, it's been a long time coming. I can't believe I've forgotten so much about what I used to know about the Amiga and the OS. I used to know quite a lot back then, lots of useless bits of information. It's a shame I've forgotten so much, because it took a long time to remember it all. I don't quite know why I stopped using the Amiga... hmm... let me think. I suppose I could put it down to two things: One, the fact I had made new friends, who of course, were all PC users. So to integrate with them I slowly joined the Windows side. Two, around that time I had just started University, so to me back then, it seemed like a better idea to take a PC than an Amiga. There must have been an actual reason as to why I choose a PC over an Amiga - I can't put my finger on it. I'll putting it down to being thick haha!

I've got big plans for my A1200, but, right now I'm heading to bed.

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